Gracias a un entusiasta comentario de Rosario hace un tiempo descubrí al fascinante Rufus Wainwright y gracias a un post-tutorial de José* hoy aprendí a poner audios en el blog. Este es un ejemplo mínimo y cotidiano de la utilidad que tienen las redes de contactos virtuales nacidas al calor de la web 2.0.
Alguna vez dije que algunos posts deberían contar con su propia banda sonora. Tanto tiempo me llevó llegar a la musicalización de Carpe Diem que hoy el post es la música:

Rufus Wainwright – Rules And Regulations

I will never be as cute as you, according to the board of human relations
I will never fly as high as you, according to the board of public citations

These are just the rules and regulations
Of the birds, and the bees
The earth, and the trees,
Not to mention the gods, not to mention the gods

All my little life I’ve wanted to roam
Even if it was just inside my own home
Then one little day I chanced to look back
Saw you sittin’ there, being a sad culprit

These are just the rules and regulations
Of the birds, and the bees
The earth, and the trees,
Not to mention the gods, not to mention the gods

These are just the rules and regulations
Yeah, these are just the rules and regulations
And I like every one, yes I like every one
Must follow them

* Nota: Para quienes tengan blog en wordpress y también quieran ponerle música les aclaro que tras varios intentos fallidos comprobé que a la fórmula de José le falta un detalle: el signo «=». La manera correcta entonces para embeber audio es: 